BMC Wellness Feature: HIIT to Fit 

By Savannah Logan 

The BMC Wellness Center offers a high-energy, community-driven fitness experience with its HIIT class, led by instructor Tammie Thomas. Meeting every Monday and Thursday at 6 p.m., this class has been a favorite over the past two years. 

HIIT, or High-Intensity Interval Training, involves alternating short bursts of intense exercise with brief recovery periods. It’s a highly effective workout format that enhances cardiovascular fitness, builds strength, and burns calories in a relatively short time, making it a great fit for people of all fitness levels. 

Tammie Thomas says that participation usually ranges between 6 and 16 people per session, and the class is open to everyone. What makes it special is the diversity of participants — women of all ages come together to work toward their fitness goals (though men are welcome to join, too). “Watching them realize they can do things they didn’t think they could do” is one of Tammie’s favorite aspects of teaching the class. 

One regular class member shared how much her strength has improved since joining the HIIT to Fit class. She noted a dramatic difference in her ability to complete household tasks, especially yard work. “My arms used to shake terribly from the strain of weedeating my yard,” she said. “Now, I can weedeat for hours without my arms shaking at all.” 

Beyond fitness, the BMC Wellness Center fosters a strong sense of community among participants. Classes like this one provide not only a challenging workout but also a space where people can connect and bond. For the people of Bibb County, it’s more than just exercise — it’s a place where friendships are formed, support is shared, and goals are achieved together.