Reading Corner: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer 

By Savannah Logan 

What’s the rush? In this day and age, I often find myself discouraged by the pace of life that we as a society are expected to follow. Finish one thing, sprint to the next, just so you can get to the next – and this happens relentlessly, season after season. When I found my soul desperately in need of rest, a friend recommended a certain book to me that has profoundly impacted my daily life and perspective of the world around me. 

John Mark Comer’s The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry offers a refreshing antidote to the fast-paced, relentless culture of modern life. With deep insight and a warm, conversational tone, Comer weaves together spiritual wisdom, personal experience, and practical strategies to help readers slow down and rediscover a more intentional, peaceful way of living. 

Drawing inspiration from the teachings of Jesus and his own experiences of burnout, Comer argues that our obsession with productivity and constant busyness leads to a hurried soul — one that is restless, anxious, and ultimately disconnected from God, others, and ourselves. Through this lens, the book becomes not just a critique of modern life, but an invitation to embrace spiritual disciplines that foster stillness and presence. 

Comer introduces four key practices to eliminate hurry: silence and solitude, Sabbath, simplicity, and slowing. Each practice is presented not as a strict rule but as a way to create space for what truly matters. These are not just spiritual disciplines; they’re life-giving habits that help cultivate joy, connection, and deep rest. 

What makes this book stand out is Comer’s relatability and humor. He writes with the humility of someone who’s still on the journey himself, acknowledging the difficulties of stepping away from the hurry. His personal anecdotes make the concepts tangible and accessible, and his frequent references to contemporary culture create a sense of relevance for today’s readers. 

The central premise of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry is that the hurried, distracted pace of modern life is detrimental to our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Comer begins by sharing his own struggle with burnout and the realization that something in his life had to change. He turned to the teachings of Jesus, who modeled a slow, deliberate way of living despite the demands on his time. 

The book is divided into sections that outline the problem with hurry, explore its impact on our souls, and offer solutions rooted in ancient spiritual wisdom. Comer presents four practices to help slow down: 

  1. Silence and Solitude: Creating time for quiet reflection and prayer to reconnect with God.
  2. Sabbath: Observing a day of rest to rejuvenate and reset. 
  3. Simplicity: Decluttering our lives — both materially and mentally — so we can focus on what truly matters. 
  4. Slowing: Intentionally choosing to move through life at a slower pace to foster mindfulness and presence. 

Throughout the book, Comer emphasizes that these practices are not about achieving perfection but about creating rhythms that allow for a more balanced, fulfilling life. 

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry is a timely and much-needed reminder that slowing down isn’t just a luxury, it’s essential. Comer’s approachable style and deeply personal reflections make this book both an enjoyable and practical read. Whether you’re seeking to deepen your spiritual life or simply reduce stress and reclaim a sense of peace, this book offers guidance and encouragement to take a step back from the rush and embrace a more purposeful, unhurried existence.