Upcoming Bibb Extension Activities and Events

Don’t wait to register for events! Classes require 10 people to be held.

If you want to make sure you don’t miss a program, contact our office at 205-926-4310 and tell us the program you are interested in, along with your email address and phone number, we will contact you when the date, time and location are set!


Bibb County Extension is also happy to provide programs to your school, business, civic, church, or non-profit organization! Most of our programs are free and we welcome everyone!


Thank you for your continued support of Bibb County Extension Programs!


In Person Events


Master Gardener Lunch and Learn – Compost Pile

Monday, September 23rd, 12:00pm – 1:00pm

BMC Wellness Center, 285 Hospital Drive, Centreville

Bring your lunch and join us for a continuation of gardening topics! Composting is one of the best ways to improve your soil and nourish your plants! Register by calling the Bibb County Extension Office at 205-926-4310!


The Woods in Your Backyard: Land Management for the Small Landowner

Friday, September 20th, 9:00am – 3pm, $30

Shelby County Extension Office, 56 Kelley Lane, Columbiana, AL 35051

The majority of landowners have less than 10 acres. This land, wooded or not, is a vital source for all. By enhancing or creating natural areas and woodland on your property, you can enjoy recreation, aesthetics, wildlife and improved air and water quality. Owners of even just a few acres can make a positive difference in their environment through planning and implementing simple stewardship practices learned at The Woods In Your Backyard Workshop. Registration fee includes 108-page book, workbook and lunch! To register: https://www.aces.edu/event/the-woods-in-your-backyard-land-management-for-the-small-landowner/



Professional Logging Manager (PLM) Workshop

Friday, October 18th,  9:00am – 3:00pm  $50

UWA Biodiversity Center, 219 AL HWY

This Professional Logging Management workshop will offer both PLM and CFE credits. Topics will include Wildlife and Logging, Vegetative Management, First Aid, Snakes of Alabama, and Best Management Practices. Lunch will be provided for all attendees. You must pre-register https://www.aces.edu/event/professional-logging-manager-plm-workshop/



Southern Pine Beetles

Tuesday, October 22nd, 6pm – 8pm

Alabama National Guard Armory, 133 Walnut Street Centreville

Southern Pine Beetles have a devasting effect on Loblolly pine forests. Drew Metzler from the Alabama Forestry Commission will discuss how to determine if you have southern pine beetles, and what to do to control them. This program is hosted by the Bibb County Natural Resource Council and is open to all landowners, large or small. A light dinner will be served. You must pre-register for this program by calling the Bibb County Extension Office at 205-926-4310.


Master Gardener Class Registration!

Registration Opens: November 1st-30th, Early Bird $150 before Nov. 15th; after $175.

Classes run January 30-May 1, 2025

If you have a desire to learn more about growing better plants, indoor and outdoor, this class is made for you! Class is online and in-person! Contact the Bibb Extension Office with questions!



Online Classes


Natural Resources Webinar Series

Wednesday, September 18th, Noon-1:00pm


This one hour webinar with Q & A on the Red Wolf, the world’s most endangered wolf. . Register at https://www.aces.edu/event/natural-resources-webinar-series-red-wolves-the-worlds-most-endangered-wolf/


Small Business Café: Food Business 101

Thursday, September 19th, Noon-1:00pm

To register, go to: http://www.aces.edu/go/foodbiz

Are you considering opening a restaurant or buying a food truck?

Thinking about selling goods under the cottage foods law? Join us

as Jon Jacobson, Urban Regional Extension Agent shares five tips to get

you started. With over fifteen years of experience in food service and

entrepreneurship, Jon will lead a discussion on the three types of food

businesses and teach us how to leverage other Extension programs to

get started.


At Home Beekeeping Series

Last Tuesday of Each Month

September 24th, 6:30-7:30pm

Bee Breeding in the Age of Genomics

Join us from home on the last Tuesday of each month for this FREE online alternative to your usual beekeeping club meeting. Experts will present on timely topics and the presentation will be followed by Q&A. Register at https://www.aces.edu/event/at-home-beekeeping-series-7/


Fall Pond Maintenance

Monday, September 9, 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Ponds can provide unlimited hours of fun for the entire family, but it’s important to make sure you are maintaining your pond year-round. During this one-hour webinar Dr. Rusty Wright of Auburn University will talk about all the things we can do this fall to ensure our ponds are in the best possible condition as we approach spring.


4-H Community Clubs

Clubs are FREE and open to all Bibb County youth ages 9-18. Youth ages 5-8 are welcome with an adult present. Adults are welcome to apply to volunteer, contact Simon Carbone at 205-340-1159. You must provide your own transportation to club meetings. Water and snacks are provided. First time participants must pre-register by calling the Bibb County Extension Office at 205-926-4310.


Chick Chain Show and Auction

Saturday, September 14th,  10am – Show, Auction starts at 10:30am

Chilton Research & Extension Station, 120 CR 756, Clanton, AL

Need to add to your backyard flock? Want to help support your local 4-H program? Join us at the Quad-County Chick Chain Show and Auction! Rhode Island Red and Barred Rock breeds available.




To stay up to date on all Bibb County Extension Programs and Activities, subscribe to our online Bibb County eNewsletter at https://www.aces.edu/go/bibb .

Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M University and Auburn University) is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce. Educational programs serve all people regardless of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, marital status, family/parental status, religion, sexual orientation, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program.