by Sheila Duncan


This week we are going to hear from someone most all of us in the community know, this man keeps himself involved in the community as well as his family. I have asked James Murphy a few questions, let’s see what he had to share: 


Tell us about you, your family and what you are involved with in the community. 

“I am married to Melanie Oakley Murphy, and we have 4 children and 14 grandchildren with another on the way early next year.  I am the fire chief for Brent Fire Department.  I am a member of Bethel Baptist Church where I serve as the treasurer. I am the treasurer for Bibb County Choctaw Booster Club. I am also a member of the Bibb County Firefighter Association.” 

What inspired you to get involved in the Bibb County Booster Club? 

“I joined because I enjoy helping the young people in our community.  We raise money to help fund the football operations at the high school and middle school.  We pay to feed the teams on away games and before the games.  I wish more people would get involved.” 

Can you share a memorable story during your time as Fire Chief that really impacted you? 

“I think anytime you have to work a fire or wreck where someone dies it really works on you.  Often you wonder why a person makes a choice or decision that cost them their life.  Just a moment and life is gone, especially when a young person is involved.” 

What would be a perfect meal for Melanie to cook for you? 

“I like her crockpot pot roast, potatoes, green beans and macaroni.  She also makes really good cornbread.” 

What’s the most unexpected hobby or interest you have outside of work? 

“We enjoy keeping up with grandchildren.  We watch them play ball and other activities that they are involved in.  We pray for their safety in this crazy world.  I read every day and try to learn something new every day.” 

Can you describe a typical evening at home for you? 

“I enjoy reading and also watching the news.  We go to the little league park a lot to watch the grandkids.  And usually have one or two grandchildren at the house during the week.” 

What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned through your involvement With the Fire Dept? 

“When your alarm goes off you never know what you are going to need to do. First responders are more than a fire, we are also medical responses, lift assist. There are weather related things to deal with such as trees and debris in thr roads after storms.  You have to be ready 24/7, 7 days a week for any call that comes in.  I work with some great people in the Brent Fire Department as well as others in the county.  We are truly blessed to have some great men and women in our fire services in Bibb County.  Never let anyone talk bad about Bibb County. This is a great place to live and raise a family.” 

Can you share a moment when you saw a direct impact of your work on someone’s life? 

“Watching young men grow up and become good men and great fathers.  I love to see men spending quality time working and learning to help others. There really are some great men in Bibb County.  We have some coaches at Bibb County High School who really help our young men grow and learn.  They are the only role models some of these players see.” 

What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone looking to get involved in their community? 

“Sign up, get involved and if you see a need go for it. You might not always do it right but just start showing up and caring will go a long way.” 

What’s the funniest or most unexpected thing that’s happened during a community event? 

“A fourth of July event turned into a swift water rescue when a young man got caught on the Cahaba River when the river was rising. He was rescued and brought to safety.” 

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned from a challenging work experience? 

“Keep learning. You will change jobs many times and life will throw you some curves. God will put you where he wants you to be.  You may not understand it at the time, but one day you will look back and know God put you there.  Always be willing to be of service.” 


“Exploring your community allows you to uncover its hidden gems and forge meaningful connections with your neighbors.” Thank you, James Murphy, for taking the time to answer our questions so that we may get to know you and your family on a more personal level.