Reported by Mike Hobson

August 4, 2024


Officers on duty in the City of Centreville responded to a report of shots being fired around midnight on Saturday night. The shooting occurred near the Chevron station in Four Points.


The details of the shooting are still being sorted out by police. The arriving officers found vehicles departing the scene and a suspect fleeing white vehicle that was pointed out by a witness, was pursued by a Centreville Police officer. Near the intersection of U.S. Highway 82 and Alabama Hway 219 the Centreville cruiser appeared to have lost control and the vehicle rolled multiple times. The police officer driving the cruiser was treated and released from Bibb Medical Center following the accident.


According to Centreville Police Chief Rodney Smith shots were fired from two separate vehicles for uncertain reasons. The post-event investigation leads officers to believe that none of the shooters were from this area but may have been in this area for a social event. It is unclear at this time whether shots were fired into the air or aimed at another vehicle. No one was reportedly hit by gunfire. Police officers have gathered the names of several suspects and the investigation into the shooting event is ongoing.


Alabama State Troopers are investigating the cause of the police cruiser roll over.


It is events such as the senseless gunfire reported here that place the lives of police officers and innocent citizens at risk of injury or death. Officers face unknown circumstances in the performance of their duties when responding to emergency calls. Any motor vehicle accident can result in death or permanent injury to officers or surrounding motorists. When guns are fired, even pointed at the sky, serious injuries can result from the projectile that is eventually going to return to earth and land somewhere.