Centreville City Council 

July 16, 2024 


Mayor Oakley called the work session to order at 4:00 p.m.  



Dianne Epperson 

Linda Lawrence 

Brad Colburn 

Don Mack 


Mike Nichols 


 The principal discussion surrounded the funds available for street repair.  After viewing videos of various streets and evaluating various funding sources it was decided each council member will travel over the streets within their respective districts and bring a list of ranked streets in need of either patching or resurfacing. 


The following comments are those of this reporter. 

It is unrealistic to think there are sufficient funds to resurface entire streets.  It is also unrealistic to think that every street in need of attention will receive work.  An anticipated report will rank the streets throughout the city and identify those to receive resurfacing and/or patching. 


Centreville City Council 

July 16, 2025 


Mayor Oakley Called the meeting to order at 5:00 o’clock.  Dianne Epperson opened with prayer followed by Brad Coburn leading the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Roll Call: 

Present: Dianne Epperson, Don Mack, Linda Lawrence and Brad Colburn.  Absent: Mike Nichols. 


A motion to approve the June 18 minutes was made (Colburn) seconded (Mack).  Motion carried. 


Don Wallace – Auditor went over the recently completed audit covering City Operating and Water Board funds.  This was for fiscal year ending September 30, 2023.  (Note: This is public information and may be obtained at City Hall.). 

There were a few inconsistencies (year-end postings not in correct year; $59,000 city owes water board (not currently incurred debt); employees being paid from incorrect fund and continued transferring of funds from accounts should be kept current if necessary.  Once again there are software problems not generating desired reports, etc.  A new software program is being installed.  Once training has been completed, this should resolve many of the questions.  All-in-all Mr. Wallace stated the audit result is “Clean Opinion”.  Revenues were up, and retirement contributions up. Both the city and the water department carry an indebtedness in bonds.  Mr. Wallace stated that a three – six-month reserve should be maintained at all time.  This will insure adequate operating funds in the event of a disaster. 

The city currently has this on the low-end.   


Councilman Mack had questions for Mr. Wallace. 

  1. To explain the Miscellaneous Expenses.  Mr. Wallace did not bring documents to provide this information.   
  2. He would like to have a printout of the monthly bank reconciliation/financial statements which should prevent year-end audit irregularities.  Mr. Wallace stated the new software should take care of this and that the Council should ensure Megan receives adequate training. 
  3. Monthly statement printouts when monthly budget adjustments are requested. 
  4. Mr. Wallace stated the new software should resolve the transfer of funds being made to adjust retirement/insurance/taxes, etc., between accounts. 
  5. Need to clear the garbage collections monthly. 
  6. Mr. Wallace assured Councilman Mack that the new software will run reports monthly and year- to-date on specific expenditures (conferences, entertainment, etc.). 

Council received audit report. 


Willliam Scott-Tristatz-Consultant retained by the City Council: 

Brought a “$500,000” box for Clerk Batte and Mayor Oakley.  This covers a myriad of areas and the “real box” will be delivered soon. Examples are: 

  1.   20 programs to generate income: 

  tourism, economic development, incubators, culinary school/Trade/Jr. College, etc. 

Provided a templet letter to be used for contact with owners of empty buildings (ie McDonalds, Family Dollar, etc.  He has made initial attempts with McDonalds but not heard back.). 

  1. List churches as a “safe place” not “storm shelters”.  They can qualify for FEMA funds.  Work with local EMA Director to accomplish this. 
  2. American Rescue Funds – Will get what monies were spent and on what and the return-on-investment.  Should see five times the return on each dollar invested. 
  3. His company is making ID Badges for City Council members so they will be able to clear police road blocks in the event of an emergency. Will have photo ID, code imprinted to work with electronic security in the future, etc. 
  4. A driving historic map/tour of the city – must tie in with CHPC and CMS. 
  5. Tourism grant funds to pay for historic map and an interview with the Mayor for tourism promotion. 
  6. American Rescue Funds will pay to have a grant writer. 
  7. Councilmember Colburn asked Mr. Scott if there were grants available for feasibility studies for specific business ventures (hospitality/tourism, etc.).  Mr. Scott advised that he was unaware of any but perhaps the SBA could assist. 


No council action taken. 


Water Board Appointment: 

Joe Chism, Chair of the Centreville Water Board resigned from the board due to a change in employment.  This required two actions: 1) selection of a board chair, and) appointment of a board member.   


There appeared to have been some confusion as to who the nominees were and only one (Justin Sanders, who currently serves on the Zoning Board) appeared at the council meeting.  In an effort to not have the same individuals serving on multiple boards the council proposed Jimmy Martin to fill the board vacancy.  Mr. Sanders gave a very passionate plea to be appointed to the water board. (See the electronic council meeting for details.). A motion was made (Mack) and seconded (Epperson) to appoint Jimmy Martin to fill the unexpired term of Jerome Chism. Motion carried. 


Operations Report: 

Police Department- June 2024 

Calls – 196 

Traffic Stops – 86 

Arrest – 21 

Assists – 108 

Accidents – 8 

I/O Reports – 60 

Patrol Request – 165 

Close Businesses – 150 

Calls Inside City Limits – 178 

Calls Outside City Limits – 18 

Citations – 86 

Warnings – 210 


Chief Smith reported he will be attending a conference the end of July beginning of August. 

Applying for an RCD Grant for a portable Digital sign.  This will be used to announce events as well as collect data similar to the current portable sign. 

Inquired as to the status of the remodeling of the police department building.  There are two quotes with a distinct difference in the amount.  One quote is significantly more detailed.  The council requested that additional information be obtained.  Councilmember Mack reiterated that new windows are a must for both quotes.  One quote is from Clay Deason.  Chief Smith plans for each officer to have a private, locking office, the evidence room to have fire walls and lighting to be energy efficient. 


Chief reported that only good comments can be made for the recent Celebration on the Green.  The only exception being one female became overheated. 


Councilmember Epperson asked for clarification as to the number of dogs trapped (John Krapf house) as 7 were reported at the May meeting.  Chief Smith affirmed that 7 dogs were trapped in this area.  Three (3) dogs were trapped in June. 


Reported on a new improved drug testing kit ($175.00), photo circulated to council.  The results of these kits is not admissible in court, however it is anticipated it soon will be.  He stated it is the same as DFS document.  He is planning to order two (2) and use the “tip” funds to purchase. 


A request from 4-Pts. Baptist Church to close the street in front of the church during their Bible School drop-off and pick-up times (4 days ).  Chief Smith advised they cannot close street but an station an officer and car at the end of Maple Street for 10-15 min. during stated times for the four days. 


Chief Smith stated the need for the police department to have their own 2-seat 4×4.  This is needed as access along the river is extremely limited and this vehicle can traverse the terrain, as well as other times when a search vehicle is needed.  He had talked with TopLine but will return for a quote on a larger model at the request of the council.  He will also look into obtaining a grant to cover this purchase. 


Chief Smith stated that an ordinance is needed addressing the use of golf carts on city streets.  In order to be “street approved” a golf cart must have a yearly inspection, have designated sticker, appropriate lights and horn.  Individuals driving must be 16 years or older, must have a permit $7 from Police Department, abide by all laws applicable to city streets and this includes 25 mph or less. 

The council will need to address this with the city legal-council. 



Fire Department: 

In the absence of Christian, Chief Smith made the Fire Department report.  They are planning to have a “Touch-A-Truck” Event (date not set) with vehicles from fire & rescue, police, wrecker, dump trucks, etc. for the kids to play on and interact with individuals from these work areas.  A bounce house, snow cones, food trucks, etc.   Will need 2 regular port-a-pots and 1 handicap accessible port-a-pot ($500).  Christian estimates the event to cost between $1,500 and $1,800.  Requests the city of Centreville help defray the costs.  During discussion it was suggested that perhaps Brent would donate and even area churches.  If an appeal goes out individuals may contribute.  Centreville Main Street has been contacted to assist with advertising.  William Scott offered that he will make a contribution.  Chief Smith stated he will request VOLUNTEER from the police department to work the event.  The council requested that Christian come back with a more detailed event cost. 


A motion to approve the event, with no financial contribution, was made (Mack) and seconded (Colburn).  Motion carried.  The city will assist if possible. 


Street Department – Need a trailer to haul equipment.  Pete is to obtain quotes. 


Water/Sewer – no report 


Council Comment: 

Councilmember Lawrence asked: 

  1. What is the status on the designated parking area for large trucks at Jack’s.  Signs are in and have not had time to install. 
  2. Status of digitizing ordinances.  Megan is to be on a Zoom call tomorrow with a company for this.  William Scott stated there could possible be a grant to cover this.  He will investigate. 
  3. She has gotten calls from individuals upset with the letters that have been mailed out to owners of unoccupied buildings.  The way the letter was worded was very harsh.  The letters need to be non-threatening but follow the legal avenue for clean-up/demolition/etc. 
  4. Lot beside APCO office still needs clean-up.  The city is going to finish the clean-up but our equipment cannot access the lot well enough to do so. 
  5. What is the status of the marked cross-walks requested on highways.  Mayor Oakley stated the road in question is a state highway and he will contact them to see if they will do this. 


Councilmember Mack: 

There continues to be a significant drainage problem in front of two of the largest businesses in downtown (TopLine and G&H).  When there is significant rain there is considerable flooding.  In the past the fire department would blow out the drains with the fire truck.  Mayor Oakley stated since this is alongside a state highway this would not be permissible.  Mayor Oakley stated he will contact the State Highway Department and see if this will be allowed. 


Councilmember Epperson: 

  1. What is the status of the community storm shelter? Clerk Batte stated it is “in production” with an anticipated October installation date. 
  2. How is the city attorney compensated?  Is he on retainer or paid by the hour for services?  Clerk Batte stated he is paid by the hour for each request. 
  3. Why are there no flowers/plants in the planters uptown?  They look horrible the way they are.  There was a discussion with Mayor Oakley talking about how hard Lynn Hamric worked in the heat and Clerk Batte stated Jeff McGee stated there would be new trash cans with flower containers for uptown.  Lynn Hamric stated that she requested a decision by the city no later than March 1st as to whether or not they wanted plants in 2024.  The decision was made too late last year and caused difficulty in obtaining less expensive and more appropriate plants.  Centreville Main Street applied for a grant(s) to purchase said trash cans and these have not been approved to date. 



Public Comment: none asked for 


Meeting adjourned.