Bibb County Commission 

May 13, 2024 


by Lynn Hamric


Commission Chair Ty Corbell called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm. 


Public Comment:  Walt Williams addressed the commission with his concern for the safety and stability of our nation. 


Public Comment from Other Elected Officials – none 


Roll Call: Present were commissioners Lightsey, Caddell, Downs, Corbell and Stabler.   


Kirk Smith led in prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by the Commission Chair. 


Information Items: A/P Check runs information in commissioners packets. 


Consent Agenda: 

Jail: Reach Plumbing paid $2,596.73 for Central Supply Invoice – Hot Water.  A motion to approve was made (Stabler) and seconded (Caddell).  Motion carried. 


Road: Winch and Bumper purchase on Amazon $1,504.00.  Road Supt. Truck.  A motion to approve was made (Lightsey) and seconded (Stabler).  Motion carried. 


Road Department: TNT Tires for $1,680.00 for Tri Axel tires. A motion to approve was made (Downs) and seconded (Lightsey).  Motion carried. 


New Business: 

A motion to approve the minutes of April 8, 2024 was made (Stabler) and seconded (Caddell).  Motion carried. 


A motion to approve the following E911 Board Member appointments (Amy Elmore, Kenneth Weems, Michael Murphy, Ricky Kornegay, Kevin Lawrence, and Kenneth Harbison) was made (Stabler) and seconded (Downs).  Motion carried.  


A motion to approve the reimbursement for insurance for the Board of Registrar employee ($1,553.90) was made (Lightsey) and seconded (Downs).  Motion carried. 


A motion to approve the bid ($49,375.00) for K9 Unit was made (Stabler) and seconded (Caddell).  Motion carried. 


A motion to approve the bid for the Airport T-Hanger was made (Downs) and seconded (Lightsey).  Motion carried. 


The next regular commission meeting falls on a holiday. A motion to cancel the meeting was made (Stabler) and seconded (Downs).  Motion carried. 


County Engineer: 

Jeff McKinney discussed the condition and of current equipment and will obtain quotes and bring back to the commission for further action. 


A motion to replace the ice maker in the county shop at a cost of $5,877.00 was made (Stabler) and seconded (Lightsey).  Motion carried. 


Jeff reported he had found equally efficient software (ProgeCAD) to do plans rather than AutoCAD.   


Jeff informed the commission he is looking into issues related to Bishop Ridge. 


Jeff reported he is looking into getting quotes for spraying the cogon grass areas on County Road right-of-ways. 


The purchase of a used side cutter was tabled upon the recommendation of Jeff.  A motion to table was made (Downs) and seconded (Lightsey). Motion carried. 


EMA Director: 

A motion for Kirk Smith to attend the EMA and ACCA conferences was made (Stabler) and seconded (Downs).  Motion carried. 


Upon recommendation by Kirk a motion was made (Downs) and seconded (Stabler) to increase the hourly rate by $1 for the Impoundment Officer.  Motion carried. 


Upon recommendation by Kirk that the Safety Coordinator position be transferred back to the County Administrator a motion to approve was made (Downs) and seconded (Caddel). Motion carried. 


Upon the recommendation by Kirk a motion was made (Downs) and seconded (Stable) to advertise for a position at the Bibb Animal facility with a pay range of $4 to $17/hr.  Motion carried.  County attorney Johnson reminded the commission that the State Requirement is to have a “Rabies Shelter” not a pick up stray animal shelter. 


Kirk reported on his bush hogging crews progress.  He stated they have been mowing the last two weeks and mapping out what roads needs to be side cut.  Jeff was asked for the road mileage – 545 miles total with 383 miles of paved roads.  Kirk reported that “some” of the dirt roads have need for mowing.  The 60  miles covered indicated the need for a better plan.  Commission Chair. Corbell asked Jeff, John (Forman) and Kirk to meet and make a plan of the equipment and personnel needs to accomplish the task of mowing and side cutter.    They are to bring a report to the next commission meeting. 


County Attorney: 

Attorney Johnson recommended the commission go into Executive Session to discuss the possible litigation of a matter. 


Attorney Johnson recommended the purchase of land necessary for the Intersection Realignment project at County Road 1 and Highway 5.  A motion to approve the recommendation was made (Stabler) and seconded (Caddell). Motion carried. 


Old Business – none 


Discussion items by commissioners: 

Caddell – Asked about the replacement of the striping on county road 1. 

No other commissioners had comments. 


A motion to adjourn was made (Caddell) and seconded (Stabler). Motion carried.